Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's another gloomy Sunday. I walked the twenty-minute walk to and from the gym this morning, listening to rainy day music instead of the usual workout music--the wind cutting through my sweatshirt and tiny raindrops painting the sidewalk.

I had a nice weekend. I ran a writing workshop Friday morning. Went out for Tammy's birthday Friday night. Spent the day at the coffee shop with some new friends from my religion class, and spent last night with a book under a blanket. Today, I did some (although very little) homework at the coffee shop chatting it up with different acquaintances and friends. I even chatted a bit with my religion prof, which was nice. I like getting to talk to professors one-on-one. They all seem to live such interesting lives.

School has been really hard for me lately. I skipped three classes last week, because I felt like I was getting sick and the week just seemed to daunting to get through. My doctor said not to be alarmed, because I don't skip classes often, and it's getting to be that time in the semester where it takes extra discipline to attend class. I've always been such a serious student, but lately, I'm having trouble caring. My therapist says she's amazed that I am even able to continue to going to school after all of the years I spent performing for everyone else. Now, I'm done jumping through hoops for people, and that is essentially all school is--jumping through hoops.

This time of year is normally very difficult for me. The decrease in sunshine, the cold that comes sweeping in, the increased in academic pressure, and the memories of past falls spent crazy...they're all hard to cope with. I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job this fall, though. I'm working out, eating okay, still sleeping too much, but what can you do? At least I am sleeping. I would much rather sleep too much than not enough. I felt like I might be in a creative mindset tonight, so I tried to work on my book, but I just stared at the screen. I'm kind of stuck. Having a professor help me along will be nice. I figured blogging was somewhat of a compromise, so here I am, updating you all :)