Today I felt rather sluggish. I have not done anything accomplishing. I went to the pick up my little sister's schedule for her. On the way I picked up the latest Glamour Magazine. I knew there was an article in there featuring the ladies of Saturday Night Live. They are definately role-models to me. They are so real and funny. They talk dirty, but when it comes down to their lives they are very modest, successful women. As I looked through the magazine it made me feel so unglamerous. It made me understand how many girls are insecure and feel the need to confrom to meet the expectations of society. Luckily, I do not feel like I am very influenced by all of this. Yes, I confess I do see things in magazines and on tv and thing "that is cute, I would like to wear that," but don't panick I don't plan to go out and buy a Paris Hilton skirt, as "hot" as it might be. (Pun intended) I had not realized what a sex magazine Glamour was. (I know very niave of me) I knew it would have lots of sex stuff, but it's the whole magazine. I loved the Saturday Night Live article. I would say Tina Fey and Amy Poehler offered the best sex tips... here's the quotes:
INTERVIEWER: "So, any sex tips for Glamour's readers?"
Tina Fey: "Make sure you don't laugh."
Amy Poehler: "Try not to barf."
I am going to leave you with those fantastic words of wisdom for today. I'm off to get around for Relay for Life.Sometimes I hate being around people. This is a shout out to Sailor Ashley who also complained of not wanting to talk to people sometimes. I feel that way sometimes as well, although it is probably not good to feel that way when you live in a small town and are planning on attending an even where you will be GUARANTEED to see every person you have ever known. Kisses all.
Celebs blow, but we still love them!Several things here:
We have the same blog background.
Thanks for commenting in my blog.
And no shape, form, or fashion was your commenting on our superior music tastes in my last blog inappropriate. It was hot!
ohh, i got that issue the other day
haha I'm glad my comment on awesome music was hot! I did notice your blog background. You must have great taste. Thanks for the comments everyone! Ashley, don't feel bad... I did read the entire magazine ha!
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