I love the 80's, mainly because that charmingly distasteful era is what brought me into this world. Last night I had the weird, but fun experience of attending a full out 80's party. It felt like some weird time warp. It was very fun, but uncomfortable because my friend Michelle and I didn't know anyone except the two girls who invited us. It was a crowded night of loud 80's music, guys with bad outfits, and girls in trashy make-up (yes, I was one of them). It was a lot of fun, but I am glad my friend and I left before midnight. I can only handle huge housefuls of strangers for short periods of time, before a panic attack occurs...just kidding. I haven't had a panic attack in a while, thanks to the new breathing exercises I have learned.
I am adjusting better to school. I still have no idea how my grades are going to look, but I think that I am doing all that I can. Biology and Psych are worrying me a little bit, but I hope to make it out of those two okay. I have a psych paper due this Wednesday. I need to start that tonight. I also need to pick another topic to write a synthesis paper on, which is going to be tricky. We have been watching several documentaries in that class to help give us ideas. We watched one about raising the minimum wage. It is a part of the 30 days series. The guy who did "Super Size Me," agreed to live as a part of the working poor. Him and his fiance tried to get by for one month working minimum wage jobs. It is amazing the kind of debt they took on, and it is not nearly long enough to get the half of what people in that situation go through. I wasn't sure what I thought about the raise in minimum wage, because I know it is a complex issue when it comes to employment. After watching the documentary about it, I definately see why we needed to higher the minimum wage. A person working a minimum wage job, full time, was still below the poverty line. Minimum wage was created to be the lowest income that a person could live at. Before the raise in minimum wage people could not fully live, and that is unfair. The documentary made me aware of how little I really know about poverty and how fortunately sheltered I have been from it. My professor then went on to talk about living in poverty with her boyfriend working minimum wage jobs before she became a professor. It scares me, because I know she had a solid education, so how does that happen? Then no one in the class wanted to comment on the intense article we read on poverty. She got angry and said we were just skipping it then. I had a lot to say, but it was such a heavy issue we were discussing. I don't think people wanted to just chip in anything, at least I didn't. I felt really guilty about her getting angry though, because she opened up so much to the class. I feel like in college the professors shouldn't need to get angry at the class, because we are all paying for our education, but I just couldn't speak up. She is my favorite professor, though. She encourages us to look deeper into issues that really matter to us, and then she challenges me without being mean about it. Even though it is a lot of work, writing papers for that class...I think I might miss it next semester.
I am off to watch the episode I missed of Grey's Anatomy online. I love that show.
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