Sunday, November 11, 2007

Trying to Stay Sane

I have two large papers do this week and I am procrastinating. I keep staring at the screen. I wrote a paragraph of one. I did spend a couple hours doing research for the one, because I changed the piece I was analyzing. I am now taking a closer look at the 1988 play M. Butterfly, which is a piece created from the Opera Madama Butterfly as well as a New York Times article from 1986 where a man had been sleeping with a Chinese spy for twenty years and thought he was a woman the whole time. The play is interesting and should not be as hard to get seven pages from. My first choice was to compare Anton Checkov's "Lady and Pet Dog" with Joyce Carol Oates' "The lady and the pet dog." It was getting too hard to find enough research.

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving mostly, but even this weekend will be a huge relief. I need some time for myself. I probably won't get much of that at Thanksgiving and with all of this work lately I haven't had much. It is making me feel crazy. My thoughts are racing a bit because I have so much to do. It's rather overwhelming.

I felt like I wanted to blog, but I changed my mind. I think I'm getting burnt out on everything. I need a vacation, but who doesn't?


FL-WOL said...

ck. out:
the songs and lyrics are amazing. You're into creative writing, I see so thought you might like the lyrics.

Sparkle Aimee said...

Thanks, I checked it out. Not bad!