My poetry is really evolving in the past week or two. I'm trying new styles (I can't wait to post one or two when I get around to fixing them more). The latest poem I did when my class took a field trip to the art museum. We had to write a poem about a painting of our choice. The one I chose featured distorted bodies dancing in a city street to the drum beats played by a poetic/jazzy looking drummer. I used a lot of onomatopoeia to mimic drum sounds, which made the rest of the poem so much more rhythmic and fun to read aloud. The idea of performing one of my poems terrifies me, but with something like this I wouldn't want people to read it on paper. I would almost consider performing this one. Right now my favorite couple of lines is something along the lines of, "Ba da ba tic tic ta./ My heart skips a beat. I'm dancing bare feet in the street./" I don't know what else I'm going to do, or if that will even stay in the poem, but I like the rhythm.
I am sad that I have not worked on my project in three or four weeks. It makes me feel like it won't happen. I got an e-mail from a friend I lost contact with two days ago. He asked how the project was going. It's really nice of people to ask about it, because it makes me feel motivated to work on it, and like it's a worthwhile project.
Scheduling is also coming up. I always go most insane during scheduling time. It's so demanding, important, and it doesn't even have anything to do with my current classes. I have my first audit in a week or two. Hopefully, I'm on the right track to be done in four years. I'm already trying to think about my masters. My poetry prof. seems to think it would be good for me to stay here just for my MA so that I'm ready to jump right into an MFA or a PhD, and don't have to waste my time with "life experience" (he made fun of the fact that he was a gym teacher) when I already know I want to learn how to teach college courses and study writing. If I could teach classes here and have my education paid for, he said that would be a good way to kill/grow for two years before entering such an intense degree program.
I need to go start scheduling, e-mail strangers about my project, finish some poems I want to submit tomorrow, and start a 10 page Jesus paper that is due next week. I won't due all of that tonight, though. Dream big, right?
The Dream Portal
The Dream Portal
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It was a fancy building very large several stories tall an old mansion
Very similar to something from my past perhaps a large wooden plantation house where many slaves were quartered after the rich white folks died.
It could even have been a ranch house from the days of yesteryear when Long John Silverman the Lonesome Stranger lived. The lady whom eye love was in a costume dress and ewe found a matching hat like ladies use both purple dyed in woolen splendor the facade of the structure of the place was painted puce and purple peeling from abuse of years in westward weathered SUN shining from the desert EAST. It was she descending spiral staircases
Admired at by the many puerile longings of the man who loves her still?
Resplendent in her glory long legs move slowly incased in purple dress where soon she met the GHOST of friendship past a man she knew while he was yet living looking for the day of funeral. He was searching for the memorial that most men crave they want remembrances. This story is a true version though the name of the ewe is kept a heart secret. This was ewe dream a portal if ewe will it came to be told by me through longing olde.
Member how I was a bad influence and you didnt get to work on anything you needed to? video games and missing cats dont make for a productive evening.
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