Thursday, March 11, 2010


I'm writing a ten page paper on my favorite book The Great Failure and Zen Buddhism. It is driving me mad, but has also inspired a lot of good thought. I had to reread The Great Failure for the third time, and it never ceases to amaze me. I feel like it should be required reading for everyone. The way it emphasizes truth over everything is astounding.

I've also been reflecting on the way the word Zen has entered our Western vocabulary and is misused. There's a tea flavored "Zen" sold at Starbucks where people are too busy to even drink the damn tea in the coffee shop. The cup has to be "to go" so they can multi-task.

I think I want to be a Zen buddhist. I don't have the support or teachers in this area, but I'm the sort of person who loves religion and wants rituals and sacred spaces to cling to. I think Zen could one day fill that void in my life.

1 comment:

LaUra said...

There are weekly zazen meetings:
"Soto Zen practice in the tradition of Deshimaru"
Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.
I'd like to check it out, so just tell me when.