Sunday, October 23, 2005

Can I Scream Now?

I am having a hard time refraining from screaming at this exact moment. My stomach is all tight and I am forcing myself to take deep breaths. My visions is a little blurred from being at my mom's computer for hours. I worked all day on my application for
U-M. It is all ready to go. I fixed up my essays, filled in all of the information they require, and then I went to the application inspector. It kept telling me I had left address information blank. The application said if my permanent address was the same as my current address, then I did not have to fill that stuff out. It kept telling me I had incomplete stuff. I tried everything. I would fill what it said I was missing in, then it would come up with more address stuff missing, such as my foreign address. It was very frustrating. I finally broke down and typed in my same address for my Permanent, current, and foreign address. It then accepted everything. I then had my mom check my essays one last time. She found all of these errors. That really stressed me out, because I have had those looked at by other people. I guess the only good news is that tomorrow if I get my essays fixed up, I should be able to send in the U-M application. Now, my State essay has been ready to go. I had it corrected 3 times by ms. eddy. I turned it in for Lit Comp to have my other teacher look at it. He said he really liked it and wanted a copy, BUT he thought the one part didn't go with what I was saying. I made changes to that, but now I also have to have ms. eddy look over it for me tomorrow. It will be a busy day in IND STUDY and a busy day at home trying to send all of the applications in. It really makes me angry, because they were supposed to be ready to go TODAY. I think the fact that I have a cold and my head is congested is why I feel so cranky about all of this. It is just so frustrating because I have been working on these for weeks and everyone keeps telling me how important it all is. Yuck! That is all I have left to say about all of it.

I have been trying my best all weekend to recover from my cold by tomorrow. We have a blood drive on Tuesday and in order for me to give blood I have to be recovered for 24 hours. It wouldn't be that upsetting, except this wil lbe my third attempt to give blood. I was rejected the first 2 times. If I am rejected again I will be upset. The first time I had a cold so they would not allow me to give. The second time they told me my iron was low. I have been taking vitamins with iron so I would be able to give this time. If it turns out I can't because of this cold I will be sad.

I kind of layed low this weekend. I enjoyed that being sick and all. I just didn't feel like doing anything. I did run a cross country meet Saturday. It actually went pretty well for being sick and all. I felt good afterwards. Friday I watched "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". I really liked it. I think it was cool because it was like 4 coming of age stories as 1. As you can tell from my project I am still working on, I really enjoy coming of age stories.

I feel like I still have a million things to do. I did not go to the nursing home today. I feel bad about that. I wish I could manage my time better, but I have a cold too. It probably wouldn't be good for me to go to the nursing home anyways. At least I have made a lot of progress on my college applications. They still aren't getting submitted. Wow, I need to get my act together.


grooveadam said...

I remember I spelled "Solo Ensemble" wrong on the application I submitted

Sparkle Aimee said...

Wow. I never knew that. You still got accepted, so it all worked out. I hope I get accepted as well. Oh yeah and on the State application I accidently put Mom's wrong e-mail address.