Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dolphins, Unicorns, and Llamas

Those are my three favorite animals. I've been made fun of for including unicorns as an animal, but that's just the only way I know to categorize them. I suppose I could list them under majestical creature, but tomato/tomato--haha that doesn't work so well in writing.

I titled this blog with my three favorite animals because life is going well in many ways. My fiction class is going better than expected. Maybe I'm not so bad at creating characters, and my dialogue heavy writing style has been helpful in fiction. Turns out people have a really hard time creating dialogue. I get stuck sometimes if I create a character I don't know well enough, but I will say I'm pretty observant of other people's speech patterns for the most part. I contribute this skill to my love of one on one conversations. That is how you get to know a person the best, and there is so much to learn about him or her by what they are saying as well as the way they say it.

Non-fiction is also going well. I was stuck this weekend, so I thought about writing for three days in a row and only wrote one paragraph. I somehow surprised myself with five pages today. I went to send it to my professor, thinking I only had four pages, and when I copied and pasted the section into its own document, it took up nearly five pages. I'm going to try to add to that tonight before meeting with him tomorrow.

Social life is going well. I miss Leslie, Laura, and Emily a great deal. My schedule is so mellow without them. The good thing, I met someone new and went to dinner with him Monday night. We are hanging out again this evening. He is a graduate student studying Public Administration, so he has like a bunch of economics and business type classes. Definitely not the kind of guy I saw myself going for, but so far things are going great. Can I make that statement after only one date?

I don't like to blog much about my dating life, but I will say I am optimistic about my relationship with this guy whatever that may entail. I haven't felt this excited to hang out with anybody I've considered dating in a long time. I don't even remember the last time. My therapist called me out on the fact that I was trying to deny my excitement to appear in control. I tried to be realistic and not get too excited since it's so early, but she was like, "the poor guy won't know how to read you. It's good to show you're excited." I'm allowing myself for the first time to just enjoy being excited to hang out with someone and try not to worry about what the future may hold.

Tomorrow is already Thursday. My, how fast the weeks go when I don't have to work. The days are much more mellow. Work starts in full swing Monday. My Tuesdays are going to be a challenge. It's nice to get it out of the way earlier in the week, though. I will miss being able to chat with Laura on and off again all day. Speaking of Laura, the one nice thing about starting work again is that I will be making money. I need to save up to go see Laura for Spring Break. The nice weather down there and hanging out with her is great for my mental health. I need that to divide my semester in half.

I participated in the MLK Jr walk on Monday. It was absolutely incredible. I will blog about that when my friend sends me the pictures. I'd like to be able to post pictures with the description because it was such a powerful experience that helped me have some faith in humanity. I'm going to stop procrastinating and get to my creative writing. Blogging's kind of a nice warm up :)

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