Thursday, June 24, 2010


I don't have much to update. I start work Monday, which I am really looking forward to. However, that means summer will be over before I know it, and I am certainly not ready to finish my final incomplete. I'm so frustrated by this class because I am expected to teach myself everything I missed from not being in class, and my brain just does not remember names, dates, and arabic words. It really is a nightmare. Reading from the book I'm supposed to do a report on nearly sent me into paralysis. I just keep trying to remind myself that the other incompletes were hard to finish too, and somehow, I pulled those off. Never have I been this scared that failing is possible, but I have to try to pass with everything I have. The problem is, I've been making this class my life. If I fail, I have to remember that life goes on, and I will recover from it. I have this "end-of-the-world" mindset that failing is like death, and that's so not true. I'm just going to do my best, but not let it affect my health.

I haven't skateboarded since Laura moved away. I just don't have the desire. Skating alone isn't nearly as fun. Not to mention, it's been hot and I've had trouble getting motivated to do anything.

I see a new therapist on Monday. I'm a little nervous, but I'm going to try really hard to make progress instead of regressing. I guess, that's all I have to say for now. Oh and in less than one week, I get to visit Laura in NC where I will get to go hang gliding and dolphin watching. It's like my dream come true.


LaUra said...

Thanks for the update.
1. Failing isnt the end of the world. Keep that in perspective. It's a class about Middle Eastern History... will you need that for your future? Just try your best and your life will continue regardless of whether you fail or pass. I'll love you either way.

2. You need to get back on a skateboard. Have Ash come with you to the skate park, or just cruise. It can be fun, you'll fly. :)

3. I cant wait for you to get here. I CANT WAIT. It's gonna be a good time.

I miss you.

Albert said...

A wise old man once said "C's get degrees." Granted I don't recommend getting too many of them but nothing wrong with having one here or there.