Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I had to do this for therapy. Here's the list of all of my fears.

1. Snakes
2. Frogs/toads
3. Tests
4. Failing
5. Driving alone at night
6. Driving far away
7. Driving in strange places
8. Being alone forever
9. Dying alone
10. Dying and being forgotten
11. Dying unhappy
12. Getting an MIP
13. Getting in a car accident
14. Causing a car accident
15. Giving formal speeches in front of people
16. Speaking up about things that are really important to me.
17. Having my intentions misunderstood
18. Losing a parent
19. Losing a sibling
20. Walking alone at night
21. Never getting a job
22. Depending on my parents forever
23. Being in debt
24. Being trapped in a job I don’t like
25. Being unhappily married
26. Never getting married
27. Living Alone
28. Causing my family to be unhappy
29. Causing my friends to be unhappy
30. Making people angry
31. Disappointing people
32. Making people sad
33. Not being able to help someone that needs it
34. Not being able to breathe
35. Forgetting Important Information

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