Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm Carrying My Spirit

I'm listening to Paula Cole's "Me." It's a great song; I stole the title for this post from it. The whole song is about how she is her worst enemy and yet she is the only one who can save her. It's probably one of the best encouraging songs I know. That song doesn't really have a lot to do with this post, but I needed it to get the words flowing.

Marlee is lying in a ball at my feet. She woke me up at 5:45 this morning, crying because she had left a bone in my bed, which somehow got buried under my blankets. She was crying, digging, and burrowing under my covers. It was so cute that I was only slightly annoyed.

I slept most of yesterday away. I did make it to work out, though, thanks to my dad encouraging me to go with him. That finally woke me up (around 5pm). I hope it's not my medicine that's making me tired like that. I guess, I shall find out today. I haven't taken it yet because I'm not usually up this early. I feel awake now, so if I sleep all day again, I will know it's the meds.

I don't really have a point to this post, after all. I just want to blog a lot more than normal while I am home, have access to good internet, and no school.

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