Monday, December 18, 2006

Out of the Groove

I don't know a whole lot, but it never fails to amaze me how the absolute best moments grow from some of the worst. I have been in a very numb place for a while. I didn't really feel a whole lot about anything. I wasn't sad or happy, but just existing. I think I was just frozen in time until I could adjust and wrap my mind around what was happening in my life. I am still not overflowing with emotion, but I do know that it feels good to be home. I already feel like I am recharging after a tough semester. I have come to the overall conclusion that I like college though, it just was a big adjustment. I am trying to get my friend Dashon to get a blog. He has been writing a lot, and I think it would benefit him to have a community that can offer feedback on his thoughts.

I have not been writing much with exams and everything, and I feel like I have gotten out of the groove of it. I feel like I should only publish if I have something worth writing about, but I am so selective and picky now that I never end up writing anything. Maybe I will begin thinking carefully about some blog worthy topics that get me writing more. Until then, enjoy break!

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