Friday, May 27, 2011

Passion for Life

Nothing makes you appreciate the fragility of life more than a funeral. I had two different friends have their grandmas die this week. Luckily I'm at my parents', so I can attend the funerals and/or visitations. Death circulates our subconscious almost constantly according to researchers who study death anxiety. Things as simple as buckling our seatbelt are motivated by death anxiety. We rarely consciously think about death. It's not until sublime scenery or a funeral that we pause to think about our own mortality.

A friend of mine posted a status that she is having a rough time and needs support and encouragement. This young woman radiates joy and just an overall passion for life. It amazes me that some of the most alive and joyful people I know experience such dark times. I suppose it makes sense that those who experience joy the most intensely are able to do so because of their experiences in darkness.

I've done a lot of reading lately. Last night, I downloaded a bunch of podcasts related to writing, spirituality, or mental health. I have low expectations for myself to produce much writing this summer. I tend to be less creative when I'm living at home, especially when I work and the weather is nice outside. It's important to me that I take advantage of this time with no obligations. When I'm tired, reading can even be challenging. Podcasts are nice because I can learn so much while lying on the couch with my eyes closed. If I fall asleep, I'll try again sometime. There's really only things to gain from them.

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