Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The "Kissing Disease"

Well, today I stayed home sick. I came home miserable yesterday. The entire day I did such a great job of convincing everyone I felt fine. At the end of the day I finally started telling people I didn't feel well, but I don't know how much they believed it. It seems like I have been sick off and on for about a month. Yesterday really wiped me out though. I had a fever, chills, I thought my head was going to explode and everything hurt. I ended up skipping the optional cross country practice, but I didn go out there to tell coach. I really wanted to run, because it was such a nice day! It will probably be the last nice day for running for a long time. I woke up at one in the morning and I was so cold! I could not get warm for anything, so I took a very hot bath and hoped I wouldn't wake my parents up. I have been sleeping a lot off an on. It has not been continous sleep at all, but that's okay. I went to the doctor today. She said she thought it was Mono or Strep so she sent me to the hospital for some blood work and those STUPID strep tests! I hate those. I am not sure of which one I hate worse the blood work or the throat thing, but it actually went really easily for both of them so I guess I can't complain. It was relatively painless and I only gagged a little. I go through phases of feeling just a little sick and really sick. Right now I just feel achy and tired and the sore throat and headache, but when I get the chills and all that...I feel like I am dying, but I can be kind of a whimp when I am sick, so don't be alarmed.

The worst part about being sick is that I cannot focus enough to read my Harry Potter book. I was all excited when I would be staying home sick. I was all like, "oh I will sleep and read. It will be great!" It hasn't exactly been that great. It has been mostly just sitting staring at the clock, taking naps, and watchin some terrible tv. I guess it's better than school though. I was dissapointed to miss my Big Bro/ Big Sis appt with my little girl. I guess I will have to wait to see her until next week.
wow, this is a really lame post. I am sorry I do not have anything exciting from my day of staying home sick. Maybe staying home tomorrow will be more interesting or more restful.


SailorAshley said...

my sister caught mono and has been sick the last month. hope you feel better soon

grooveadam said...

Jimmy's sick and I am worried that I might be getting it too. Tonight I am going to bed early.

tiro said...

I'm sorry Aimee! I hope you get all well soon, or at least well enough to focus on Harry Potter. I know how important that can be. =)

We miss you in second hour!