Monday, March 22, 2010

Get out of the Groove

I saw my psychiatrist and psychologist today. And for that reason, it was quite a day. I feel distant. My therapist referred to this melancholy that I'm in as a groove in a record, where the needle gets stuck easier after being stuck once. So, I'm stuck. I'm stuck in the same groove I slide into so easily.

My doctor suggested I drop a class. He said he would write a note to help me get some of my money back, but I do not think that is a possibility. I can drop the class, lose the money, and feel lazy, or I can keep going but let the pressure kick me down like it has been. I'm tired all of the time. When I was talking about my incompletes with my therapist, I got really tired. She could tell, and said it seemed like my overwhelmed feeling shuts down my brain and makes me tired.

I guess, I will check it all out in the morning. If I can wake up before the class I'm dropping.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

aimee, you're doing great with school. it can be exhausting at times (right now i'm at 21 credits, with three of those being an internship). i'm not taking care of myself (not eating so much...) but take time for you. i'm actually kind of happy when i can time manage.