Friday, May 16, 2008

Under Construction

This is a poem I'm playing around with. Poetry is not my strength, but my writing class in the fall is "Advanced Poetry Workshop," so I figure I should start practicing. I'm sure I will change this a thousand times more, and I will look back and regret posting it this early (or just change it). I'm open to feedback, though. Plus, it shows where I am right now. Things don't come out perfect right away. Poetry is hard work. I still have a lot of work to do on this, but check it out.

Under Construction

freezes, thaws
freezes, thaws,
open-wounds in once
solid sidewalks.

The roads,
broken like people
who drive them slowly,
rolling by orange
cones and politically incorrect,
“Men Working”
signs, in dust-covered
cars that can’t
stay clean.


wordsarentmatter said...

Good concept.

I worked in construction under my dad for a while, as you know i think. So I've been hearing about freeze thaw cycle since I was a kid. And yes, all the stereotypes about construction workers are true. And oh the things I learned.

you go from sidewalks to roads, It might be better to stick to one or the other.

"under construction" is under construction eh.

Sparkle Aimee said...

I like this idea. I will play around with it. Thanks, Jordan.