Sunday, September 04, 2005

I'm sick

Yeah, it's that time of year when the whole fricken school gets sick. I am just one of the few cross country girls who is suffering from a burning throat and drowing in flem... yuck! Minus feeling terrible, it hasn't kept me from having a great weekend. Friday was the big rival football game between my High School and Tecumseh Indians. The student section from my school decided to dress up like cowboys to add to the show down. I received multiple compliments on my cute cowgirl hat. I had fun dressing like a cowgirl because I think cowgirls are cute. Cowboys are even cuter! We ended up winning the game, no problem! It was great. I couldn't see very well, so I just walked around with some of my friends I don't get to hang out with much. I met this awesome guy from Onsted. He is a singer in my friend's band. He is so not my type, with his checkered punk rock shoes and beanie hat, but he was really fun to hang out with. I might have to go check him out sometime. Their band is performing at a local coffee shop in October. I will try to stop there.

I worked 5 hours yesterday and I did the counter all by myself. It wasn't busy, thank God, but we still had some crazy moments and I handled them alone. I then drove straight from work to my friend's house on Devil's Lake. The party started at 4, but I had to work until 7 so I was fashionably late. We swam at dusk and it was absolutely gorgeous! It was cold, but so much fun. I was having such a good time on the water trampoline with my friend Emily, that I had scraped my knee and it was bleeding down my leg, but I didn't even know. After swimming we went to have a bonfire at my friend's boyfriends house. It was so much fun. It was perfect. It was chilly, but hot by the fire. It was crystal clear and the stars looked fabulous. We were all dancing to the club music they play on the radio on Saturday nights. It was a blast. Although all of the screaming and talking did not help my sore throat at all.

I had practice Friday and Saturday morning, but I have today and tomorrow off! I am excited, since I am sick and all. I have been doing some writing this weekend and I plan to do more. If I write anything worth posting I will.

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