Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Heaven Out of Hell

As I mentioned before I am reading Paradise Lost for Lit Comp. We did a reading response on it. A friend of mine wrote on making the best out of bad situations. I was really intrigued by that. Last night I had a ton of homework after our meet. I missed class when they were discussing the book. I am also missing the quiz in class today, but I still have to take the quiz today. My friends were all stressed about it as well. Several X-country girls went to Cristina's for some fantastic Mexican food. Then we had a little study session. It was a blast. I ended up having a fairly good night, but I have a feeling I won't do so hot on the quiz. I did mybest though, and I made a good night out of one that had the capability of being a bad one. We have another X/country meet today. I am still very sore from the meet yesterday. I am nervous as usual. This 4 day weekend I am planning to get some quality writing going. I want to work more on my story that has grown to 21 pages. I will be posting more things this weekend. I really don't have much to say. I am just bored in keyboarding class, because I am all done. I do n't have any e-mail either. I still have 20 this post didn't take very long.

1 comment:

Mister Hand said...

LOL--I know the feeling. I blog at work and I write and I write and it STILL seems like time just drags by. Hang in there.